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ChatGPT, we’re breaking up

I’ve witnessed the recent AI revolution with great awe and have been a ChatGPT Plus subscriber since the early days.

However, the service has been inaccessible for days recently, which shouldn’t ever be the case for a paying customer, and if it is, they should offer compensation.

Naturally, I wanted to contact customer support, but I discovered there was no customer support, only a help center. It’s a very frustrating experience, and I’m baffled that companies are allowed to operate this way.

Then, I wanted to unsubscribe, but to my shock, I couldn’t, as I was welcomed by their “ChatGPT is at capacity” page, disabling me from accessing my subscription page. Since unsubscription was impossible, I submitted a chargeback at my bank.

At this point, I felt trapped because I didn’t know about an alternative, similarly powerful language model. Luckily, there is: Claude‘s 3.5 Sonnet model is very capable, and I recommend it. I’m considering subscribing.

It’s unfortunate that ChatGPT forgot about its customers in the pursuit of showing off its latest tech. I won’t advocate them anymore and advise people to move to Claude.

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