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Miscellaneous Projects

Edge Detector Dude Released

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I’ve written yet another PyGTK application in the near past for the Digital Image Segmentation course of the university.

You ask me what it really is?

Edge Detector Dude is a simple image manipulation application written in Python using PyGTK. It presents you the Sobel edge-detected and the gradient-directed versions of the input image. The pixels of the gradient-directed image is computed by denoting the angle of the gradient of the pixel and mapping this value as a grayscale color.

Edge Detector Dude is more accurately a front end that uses the accompanying gradient utility to process the input image and visualize its result images.

gradient is written in C using the Allegro game programming library.

Let’s see this dude:


I’m proud of this GUI design because I think it’s very usable, however there are several things that could be improved:

  • Add a “View” button to view images. Currently the statausbar mentions that images can be viewed by double clicking on their names, but it’s not very eye-catching and novices may miss it.
  • Add support for other file formats. For some strange reason Allegro only handled BMPs, however according to the documentation it should handle a wide variety of image formats.
  • Replace the gradient-directed image with something nicer. It’s really ugly, no questions, but I had no choice because that was the exact task to be done.

Prolog Suckiness

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I had to write a simple Pascal parser in Prolog for my programming course of this semester. The rough specification: print the names and line numbers of the procedures and functions found in the Pascal code to be parsed.

Prolog is a nightmare if you wanna write imperative code. I’ve came up with the following mess (also available on GitHub):

You shouldn’t see anything like this in your future life.

Operational Research Demo

I’ve written another application. Unlike the previous one, it’s a GUI application which i’ve made for the operational research course of the university. It features an incremental UI. I mean on this a kind of UI which the user can incrementally fill out as he/she gives more and more information during the input rather than having to handle tons of pop-ups throughout the process. I think it’s a much more usable interaction model.

See it for yourself:


Operational Research Demo is written in Python using PyGTK and you’re free to download it.


I’ve been dreaming for a long time about a well designed, parallelized init system and finally it seems my dream has come true. I hadn’t have the time to check it out, but the boot charts seem very promising.

Comments Disabled

I’ve just disabled the comments and pings in every of my posts because I got massively spammed by various WordPress worms. On the other hand it’s not a real pain for me, because my blog is not really popular. Honestly I don’t mind it all, since I write mainly to summarize my thoughts and make a diary of my journeys.